Personal stories

Read and listen to personal stories from people who have been affected by lymphoma and learn how they have coped with diagnosis, treatment, caring for a loved one and living with and beyond lymphoma.

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Carole - diagnosed in 1984


Carole talks about how her specialist lymphoma nurse helped her to take back control of her life.



Kat shares her story of double-hit lymphoma, including talking on film about her experience of an allogeneic stem cell transplant.

Lesley with her son Richard


Lesley talks about dealing with her son’s diagnosis of follicular lymphoma and how she started to feel suspicious about her own health.

John pictured with his wife Maria


A diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma became a catalyst for a healthier lifestyle for John, and he also became a Lymphoma Action buddy to encourage others going through treatment.

Frances diagnosed with lymphoma and diabetes


How Frances thought a diagnosis of diabetes explained how ill she felt. It turned out to be diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Nicola in her living room


In this video Nicola, diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) , talks about cancer related fatigue, both during chemotherapy treatment, and afterwards throughout her recovery