Lymphoma Symptoms
The short animation explains some of the common symptoms of lymphoma, and when you might want to contact your GP if you have symptoms that are persistent or get worse.
We recognise that people like to access health information in different ways. We therefore aim to provide a range of resources in different formats to ensure our health information is as easy as possible to understand.
You might also find our translated information helpful. We also have a series of podcasts for people living with lymphoma, and their family and friends.
Our animations help explain what lymphoma is in a clear way.
The short animation explains some of the common symptoms of lymphoma, and when you might want to contact your GP if you have symptoms that are persistent or get worse.
This short animation explains what lymphoma is, how it develops and the treatment options available.
This animation explains who Lymphoma Action are and how we can support anyone affected by lymphoma.
This animation was developed for children, but is useful for anyone who has a loved one or family member with Hodgkin lymphoma or a high-grade (fast-growing) non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It explains what lymphoma is, what treatment might mean and how this might impact upon day-to-day life.
This video was developed for children but is useful for anyone who has a loved one or family member with low-grade (slow growing) non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It explains what lymphoma is, what treatment might mean and how this might impact upon day-to-day life.
Our series of four Easy Read books cover different aspects of life with lymphoma using large print, photos and pictures to explain what is happening. Use the links below to download a PDF of each booklet, or you can order copies free of charge from our online shop.
This book covers what lymphoma is and how you might feel after finding out you have it.
This book covers what watch and wait is, who might go on watch and wait and what happens at your check-ups with your doctors.
This book covers what treatment is, what chemotherapy, radiotherapy and stem cell transplants are, and what side effects you might get from treatment.
This book covers what happens after treatment, including check-ups and how to live well after treatment.
It can be difficult to understand health information when it's not in a language or format which is best for you.
You might find it easier to watch videos and webinars about lymphoma rather than read about it. On our YouTube channel you can find a large selection of videos, including a range of personal stories, medical explainer videos from health professionals and webinars. Our videos have subtitles.
Watch our videos and webinarsIf you can't find the information you need in the right format for you, please contact and we will try our best to support you.