Personal stories

Read and listen to personal stories from people who have been affected by lymphoma and learn how they have coped with diagnosis, treatment, caring for a loved one and living with and beyond lymphoma.

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Christine in her garden


After treatment for follicular lymphoma, Christine did not suspect problems with her eye could be the lymphoma reappearing

Michael diagnosed with SLL


In this video Michael's talks about his experience of being on a clinical trial for SLL.

Pete, diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma


After the challenge of Hodgkin lymphoma, Pete took on a different kind of challenge.

Pam, diagnosed with lymphoma


Peripheral neuropathy and other challenges after a diagnosis of extra-nodal marginal zone lymphoma

Test image


My Christmas wish is for no one to have to face their lymphoma alone

Kate and friends


In this video Kate talks about how her life has changed since being in remission from Hodgkin Lymphoma and how she has found her 'new normal'.