About the Volunteer Forum
The purpose of the Forum is to create a platform for volunteers to have a voice in your experience, providing valuable insights to help shape the quality, delivery, and direction of our volunteering developments.
We're looking for new members to join our team!
Please see the full Volunteer Forum role description here.
Who can join:
- Everyone is welcome – the Forum is open to all registered volunteers. If we receive a lot of interest, we will review how the group practically operates.
- We strive to have diverse representation within the Forum, including from different volunteer roles and locations across the UK.
What’s involved:
- Sharing feedback and perspectives on a range of volunteering topics, including recruitment, training, recognition, support and resources.
- Discussing upcoming or developing volunteer projects.
- Offering views and ideas for improving the volunteer experience and growing our volunteer community across the UK.
- Acting as representatives for the Charity by promoting and championing volunteering.
How the Forum works:
- Time is flexible – we’ll get together 2-4 times each year and share occasional opportunities by email as and when they come up.
- Meetings will take place online (Zoom) with possible opportunities to meet face-to-face in the future.
- Your feedback will impact other areas of the Charity’s work where it relates to volunteering.
- The Forum will be managed by the Volunteering Team, and other staff members may provide additional support where required.
- All documents that are shared must be kept confidential and not shared with anyone else. For example, documents in development that are not yet finalised.
- The Forum will review its membership and function every three years.
You don't have to join the Forum to share your ideas for how we can improve the volunteering experience - tell us your feedback and/or ideas here.
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