Personal stories

Children & young people

Read and listen to personal stories from people who have been affected by lymphoma and learn how they have coped with diagnosis, treatment, caring for a loved one and living with and beyond lymphoma.

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Ellie and Rebeka

Ellie and Rebekah - Young person's guide

In theses 2 videos Ellie and Rebekah talk about their feelings after diagnosis and their experiences of being treated in different wards including a Teenage Cancer Trust Young Person's Unit, a children's ward and an adult ward.

Ellie at University in Cardiff

Ellie - Young person's guide

In this video Ellie talks about how she kept up with school work while undergoing treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma. She talks about how her school supported her, as well as giving some tips and advice for others who are studying. 



In this video Hannah talks about her experience of having a Autologous stem cell transplant. Hannah talks about her feelings and emotions, as well as offering some tips and ideas that she feels may help others.

Sway pictured in London


Music artist and producer Sway talks about his diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma and dealing with it in his own way