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Stem cell Special Focus Support Meeting - Tuesday 24 January

Published on: 19 January 2023

Have you had a stem cell transplant or been told you might have one? Register to join.

Special focus OSM hero image

Our next Special Focus Support Meeting is on Tuesday 24 January at 6:30pm. This meeting is about stem cell transplants and is an opportunity for anyone who has had a stem cell transplant, is preparing to have one, or has been told they might have one, to share experiences and learn from others. Anyone affected by lymphoma, including carers are welcome to join our Special Focus Support Meeting, you can register here

Living with lymphoma can have an impact on your life in many ways including on your physical, social, spiritual, and psychological or emotional health. Our Online Support Meetings  provide a safe, confidential place where people affected by lymphoma can express their thoughts and feelings, gain insight from connecting with others, and get support and information.

Stem cell transplants using your own stem cells (autologous) and those from a donor (allogeneic) are intensive forms of treatment that can be used to treat some types of lymphoma. 

Whether or not you need a stem cell transplant depends on lots of factors, including the type of lymphoma you have, how your lymphoma has responded to treatment and how well you are. You can find out more about stem cell transplant in our recently revised information which provides:

You may also find our stem cell podcast a helpful resource. John Murray, Nurse Clinician in Bone Marrow Transplant and Angie Leather, Lead Nurse for Transplant and Haematology CNS talk to Lymphoma Action's Anne Hook. They discuss the role of stem cell transplants in the treatment of lymphoma, when they are used, and the important differences between allogeneic (donor) and autologous (self) transplants. They also cover the challenges in deciding between these two different treatment options. This podcast includes discussions around this often very difficult subject, and contains information on side effects and treatment outcomes that may be distressing.