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A World of Thanks

Published on: 15 September 2020

Today is World Lymphoma Awareness Day, and an opportunity for us to say thank you to everyone who has supported our work.

A world of thanks

We are enormously thankful for the healthcare professionals, friends, family and carers who support those affected by lymphoma, and all those who support what we do as a Charity. This is appreciated all the more because of the events of the past few months. From the healthcare professionals who have given their time to take part in our webinars on COVID-19 and lymphoma, through to our wonderful supporters who have continued to take part in our volunteering programme, or have raised money for us from home during lockdown. We are truly grateful for the support you have given us so we can continue our work in making sure no one faces lymphoma alone.

We are also thankful to all those who have supported our Lymphoma Awareness campaign during Blood Cancer Awareness Month. This includes Dr Sarah Jarvis who kindly gave her time to us to record our first ever Lymphoma Out Loud podcast, and our President, Professor John Radford, who has recorded a message to our supporters about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people affected by lymphoma, and what healthcare services could look like for people living with a lymphoma diagnosis in the future.

We are proud that we have been able to continue to provide support and trusted information throughout this challenging time, but we could not have done this without the support of all of those who, like us, want to make a difference to the lives of people affected by lymphoma.

To all of you we offer our World of Thanks.