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World Lymphoma Awareness Day 2022

Published on: 15 September 2022

On 15 September we’re joining the Lymphoma Coalition and the global lymphoma community to support the We Can’t Wait campaign #WLAD2022

World Lymphoma Awareness Day 2022
We Can’t Wait to learn about the signs of lymphoma and take care of our own health

If you notice any of these symptoms, please do not delay and speak to your GP:

  • unexplained weight loss
  • fatigue
  • lump in the neck, armpit or groin
  • itching without a rash
  • drenching night sweats

If you’ve been diagnosed with lymphoma, please don't delay reporting any new symptoms to your doctor and make sure to keep your appointments with your medical team. 

We Can’t Wait any longer to address the ways the pandemic is affecting people living with lymphoma

People affected by lymphoma need timely diagnosis, access to in-person medical appointments and regularly scheduled treatments. We continue to work with the Blood Cancer Alliance and #OneCancerVoice to highlight these issues and influence policies and decisions. Some people with lymphoma are still worried about COVID due to its effect on their compromised immune system. Vaccines, anti-virals and COVID treatments must continue to be a priority - and we will continue to be a voice for people affected by lymphoma.

Show your support

Please share, like and comment on our World Lymphoma Awareness Day social media posts below - the more people that engage with these, the further the messages will travel and the higher the profile of lymphoma will be raised!  

You can also download our Blood Cancer Awareness Month images here to share with your networks - together we can make more people #LymphomaAware this September.