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Welcome to Lymphoma TrialsLink

Lymphoma TrialsLink is our clinical trials information service.

Find out more about clinical trials and what they involve – and when you are ready, search for a clinical trial that might be suitable for you. 

Deciding whether to enter a clinical trial is an important decision that you should make in consultation with your medical team, so it's a good idea to print off and discuss the information you find with them. You can also ask our Lymphoma TrialsLink Team general questions about clinical trials at trialslink@lymphoma-action.org.uk

If you’d like to find out more about how TrialsLink works, visit About Lymphoma TrialsLink.

Find a clinical trial

Use our database to search for a clinical trial that might be suitable for you.

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Learn more about clinical trials

We hope that Lymphoma TrialsLink helps you to make informed decisions and choices about your treatment and care.

Stack of documents and files

About clinical trials

This page is about clinical trials for lymphoma: what they are, why they are done, how they are organised and what they involve for those who take part.

Lymphoma TrialsLink Making it easier to find a clinical trial

About Lymphoma TrialsLink

Find out more about our lymphoma trials database TrialsLink including how we find the trials, how you can search for a trial suitable for you, and what to do if you find one.

Six people of various ages with lymphoma

Personal stories

Hear from real people who have taken part in clinical trials for lymphoma in our personal stories section.

Help us spread the word about Lymphoma TrialsLink

We want as many people as possible to benefit from our Lymphoma TrialsLink service, so please download or order our free resources to promote this to people affected by lymphoma.


Download an A4 poster, which can be laminated and put up in clinic.


Download a double-sided A6 postcard, which can be handed out to people affected by lymphoma.