World Cancer Day 2024
Published on: 2 February 2024Calling for change to address inequalities in cancer care.
Sunday 4 February is World Cancer Day, a global initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).
2024 is the last year of its three-year Close the Care Gap campaign. The first two years of the campaign have focussed on understanding and recognising health inequalities in cancer care around the world, while strengthening alliances between organisations in order to call for change. This year, the campaign aims to bring this knowledge to the attention of leaders to ensure a commitment to priorisiting cancer, and the creation of strategies in order to confront inequalities in cancer treatment and care.
At Lymphoma Action, we work in collaboration with other organisations on a national and global level to help us to understand the health inequalities faced by people affected by cancer, and more specifically, people diagnosed with blood cancers including lymphoma. We are proud to work with national alliances including Cancer52, One Cancer Voice and the Blood Cancer Alliance, and with international lymphoma charities as part of the Lymphoma Coalition to understand these challenges globally . Most recently, Cancer52 released a report around health inequalities, which covers areas including people’s awareness of cancer, receiving a diagnosis and treatment, their experience of care, living with and beyond cancer, and access to research. Our involvement in activities like this arms us with the evidence we need to influence policy makers when making decisions that impact people affected by lymphoma.
Our voices are stronger together, and we are committed to using our influence to ensure that people who have received a lymphoma diagnosis can access the treatment and care they need. Our information and support services serve to help people understand their lymphoma so they feel confident to have informed conversations with their medical team about their care. We also support people affected by lymphoma to make sure they can live well during and after lymphoma treatment.
#WorldCancerDay #CloseTheCareGap