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Volunteers’ Week celebrates 40 years!

Published on: 3 June 2024

This week marks the 40th anniversary of Volunteers’ Week and is an opportunity for us to thank our wonderful volunteers.

40 years of Volunteers' week

Today marks the start of Volunteers’ Week, a national campaign to celebrate the time and effort that volunteers dedicate across the UK. This year is also the 40th anniversary for, Volunteers’ Week, and we want to take this opportunity to thank our amazing volunteer community for the extraordinary impact they make on the lives of people affected by lymphoma.

Thank you to the volunteers! You’re very special people who make a difference to others at a time in their lives when it’s needed. 

Lymphoma Action supporter


Lymphoma Action was founded by volunteers in 1986 to make a difference and, since then, our mission hasn’t changed. “Volunteers are at the heart of Lymphoma Action, and we can’t thank them enough for their dedication to helping others,” says Ropinder Gill, Chief Executive. “What’s most impressive is how many ways they support people affected by lymphoma – it is truly awe-inspiring! Thank you to all our volunteers.”


Together, our volunteers help us to inform, support and connect people affected by lymphoma. Here are just some of the ways our volunteers are involved:


For more information about volunteering with us, please visit our Volunteering page or email