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Top tips: for avoiding infection

Many people with lymphoma, particularly when going through treatment, are concerned about the risk of infection. Along with guidance from your medical team, the following might be helpful.

We asked members of our Facebook group for their ‘top tips’ for what they have found helpful to manage concerns around infection. Here is what they told us. Thanks to everyone for sharing their tips.

A hand holds a black cup as milk is poured into the coffee in a flower pattern

Keeping safe when ‘out and about’ with family and friends

A man with a pale top and glasses smiles at the camera and gives a thumbs up.
  • You could ask cafes and resurants to steam your cup before serving your drink.
  • I always wipe cutlery with anti bac wipes when I’m eating out. You’ll be surprised how many times I find cutlery has not been washed properly.
  • Consider picking pre-packaged sandwiches and cakes rather than those that have been in the open.
  • Sit outside when meeting family and friends, so that there is space and fresh air.
  • I try to avoid anyone (including grandchildren) with any sign of any infection.
  • Always carry sanitising hand gel, and use disposable gloves if you need to. Also, keep washing your hands when you can. Some people use germ defence nasal sprays when they are in busy, crowed places.
  • I sterilise my toothbrush daily in sterilizing fluid (but do check that it is safe!) 
  • Consider avoiding crowds, and go shopping in the evening or at quieter times. If you enjoy the theatre or cinema, it’s often quieter on a weekday or matinee.
A woman with long blond hair smiles at the camera

Keeping safe at home

  • Use separate towels from other family members and use anti-bac wipes on door handles.
  • Don’t share pens.
  • Consider whether it’s possible to work at home to avoid public transport and environments.
  • Consider supermarket home delivery rather than going to the shops.
  • Always check use by dates on food.
  • Wash your hands after touching pets and don’t allow them on the bed.
  • You might want to limit house guests, and perhaps ask them to wear a mask when they visit (it might help to have some available).
  • Keep windows open to allow some fresh air through (when the weather is nice!)
A woman with white hair and glasses smiles at the camera

This information comes from our Facebook users and online support meeting members, and is a list of suggestions from the community based on what they personally found useful and what they would like to pass on to others. This is not intended to be medical advice and is not a replacement for advice from your medical team. If you are looking for specific guidance for your own personal circumstances always consult your medical team.