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We recognise how important it is to have information about lymphoma available in a language that you understand. We have translated our animations in Polish, Punjabi and Romanian.

If you would prefer to speak to us in a language other than English, our Helpline team can offer an interpreting service so you can speak to us in another language.

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Talk to us in another language

Translated animations

Talk to us in another language

If you would prefer to speak to us in a language other than English, we offer an interpreting service so that you can speak to us in another language. There is no charge for you to use this service, and it is available in over 240 languages, through our helpline.

Find out more about this service.

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Translated animations

We have our 'Lymphoma Symptoms', 'What is lymphoma?' and 'About Lymphoma Action' animations translated in Polski (Polish), ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi) and Român (Romanian).

Polski (Polish)

Symptomy chłoniaka (Lymphoma Symptoms - Polish)

Remote video URL

Co to jest chłoniak (What is lymphoma? - Polish)

Remote video URL

 About Lymphoma Action - Polski (Polish)

Remote video URL

ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi)

ਲਿਮਫੋਮਾ ਦੇ ਲੱਛਣ (Lymphoma Symptoms - Punjabi)

Remote video URL

ਲਿਮਫੋਮਾ ਕੀ ਹੈ (What is lymphoma? - Punjabi)

Remote video URL

 Lymphoma Action ਬਾਰੇ (About Lymphoma Action - Punjabi)

Remote video URL

Român (Romanian)

Simptome ale limfomului (Lymphoma Symptoms - Romanian)

Remote video URL

Ce este Limfomul (What is lymphoma? - Romanian)

Remote video URL

Despre Lymphoma Action (About Lymphoma Action - Romanian) 

Remote video URL

We've worked with individuals to have these animations translated, but we can't take responsibility for any issues with translation.

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If you would like to translate Lymphoma Action information

Lymphoma Action will on some occasions, and in accordance with our protocol, allow information to be translated by other organisations. To make a request to translate Lymphoma Action information, email and ask for our 'Translation agreement'.