Personal stories

Read and listen to personal stories from people who have been affected by lymphoma and learn how they have coped with diagnosis, treatment, caring for a loved one and living with and beyond lymphoma.

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'I'm not the same person I was before my diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma.'



Dwayne talks about his diagnosis of mycosis fungoides, a type of skin lymphoma, and the impact it has had. 

Kevin with his wife


Kevin shares his experience of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and explains how the Lymphoma Action Support Group helped him cope.  

Neil sailing


A diagnosis of grey zone lymphoma, which in Neil's case meant that his lymphoma had features of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and classical Hodgkin lymphoma.



Musician Paul was diagnosed with high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2018. Here, he writes about how the experience changed his life, the steps he took to support his wellbeing throughout his treatment, and how he wouldn't let his diagnosis block his creativity.