Personal stories

Children & young people

Read and listen to personal stories from people who have been affected by lymphoma and learn how they have coped with diagnosis, treatment, caring for a loved one and living with and beyond lymphoma.

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Dwayne talks about his diagnosis of mycosis fungoides, a type of skin lymphoma, and the impact it has had. 

Raveen 27 campaign_square


Raveen was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma when she was just 23. 
Now in remission, she volunteers her time to support our work and is part of our 2019 Blood Cancer Awareness Month campaign highlighting that one of us is diagnosed with lymphoma every 27 minutes.

Barnaby with his mum Ali

A poem for Barnaby

At the age of 13, Barnaby was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. His mum Ali wrote this poem about the ups and downs of cancer.  

Natalia - Live your Life

Natalia talks about life after cancer as a young person and the benefits of sharing experiences at a Live your Life workshop.  

Callum, during treatment for lymphoma, aged 22


Callum shares his experience of being diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, and explains why it's so important that young people are aware of the symptoms.