Personal stories


Read and listen to personal stories from people who have been affected by lymphoma and learn how they have coped with diagnosis, treatment, caring for a loved one and living with and beyond lymphoma.

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You can also submit your own story if you would like to share this to help others.

Share your story

Julia's volunteering story

Julia shares her experience of running a Lymphoma Action Support Group, after being inspired at a Live your Life workshop.

Dorothy photo


Dorothy became a Live your Life workshop facilitator after attending a workshop and seeing the value of talking to others with lymphoma. 



Zoe talks about her diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma and how it inspired her to help others.

Picture of Clare


Clare shares her story of follicular lymphoma and explains that with or without it, she won't just wait for life to come to her. Her lymphoma experience has led to her being recognised for her volunteering work. 

Penny Clarke


Penny shares her experience of the Live your Life programme, including the benefits of the workshops and how she became a volunteer facilitator.