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Please vote for us in the Smiley Charity Film Awards!

Published on: 3 January 2023

Thank you for your support.

Charity film awards hero image

We have submitted our What is lymphoma? animation for a Smiley Charity Film Award! What is lymphoma? is a short animation that explains what lymphoma is, how it develops and the treatment options available. We’d really appreciate your votes of support to help us through to the next stage.

You can vote for the animation here – voting closes on the 16 January. 

Lymphoma is the most common type of blood cancer in adults and the fifth most common cancer in the United Kingdom following breast, prostate, lung and bowel cancer. However, lymphoma is complex and less well known and understood than other cancers, so it is important to raise awareness of it so that more people can recognise it and be treated earlier. You can watch the animation here

The charities with the largest number of votes will make it to the next round and become finalists, wish us luck!