A Big Give big thank you!
We have raised £24,703 from this year’s Big Give Christmas Challenge!
Read the latest news and views from Lymphoma Action.
Use the drop down filter to find the most relevant news for you.
We have raised £24,703 from this year’s Big Give Christmas Challenge!
The first targeted treatment, zanubrutinib, is now available for people with relapsed or refractory MZL in Scotland.
A chance to recognise volunteers across the globe for their generosity.
Have your say on the future of the NHS
We are here for anyone experiencing grief as a result of lymphoma.
You can support people affected by lymphoma while you buy online!
What to do if you think you might have an infection.
Our first meeting in December will focus on mindfulness, and our second will discuss the subject of sleep difficulties.
By using the filter on our Personal stories section you can find the treatment or type of lymphoma you want to read about.
Our updated Introduction to lymphoma book is available to download or order free of charge.