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Join our chemotherapy webinar

Published on: 16 March 2023

On Tuesday 28 March from 12:30pm to 1:30pm.

Chemo webinar Hero

Please join us for our free webinar about chemotherapy, featuring a panel with two healthcare professionals and a Chair from Lymphoma Action. This webinar will look at what chemotherapy is, what it does, and how it works. It will also cover why it is used for lymphoma treatment, how it is given, and why is it given in regimens. We will also cover some of the issues around late effects, and balance risks and benefits for individuals. This webinar might also be helpful for family, friends and carers to understand more about lymphoma treatment

Chemotherapy is a widely used treatment for many people with lymphoma. For some, this treatment might start within a short time of diagnosis, and it can feel like a ‘whirlwind’ from diagnosis to treatment, without time to process. For others, who may be on a period of active monitoring before treatment, chemotherapy can feel like something ominous in their future, causing worry and anxiety.

If you would like to find out more or book a free place on the webinar more information is available here.