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Thank you to our Trustees!

Published on: 9 November 2022

These dedicated volunteers bring out the best in our Charity.

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It’s Trustees Week 2022 so we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our trustees who bring such a wealth of skills and experience to our charity.  

David McNeill, Director of Public Affairs at the Law Society of England and Wales, has been a Trustee for Lymphoma Action since 2019. David brings invaluable skills to the role, as well as, personal experience of lymphoma. 

He says: “If you're going to be a Trustee, don't think of it as something you give in terms of hours, it is a two-way street. The more you get from it, the more you give and more value you can bring.”

 “You can get caught up in the treadmill of busy departments and lots of teams, which can lead to you getting a little bit short sighted in your approach. As a Trustee you are looking at a different set of challenges and solutions in another context. It refreshes your intellectual palette, which I find really very valuable.”

David came across Lymphoma Action years before becoming a Trustee, when he received his own lymphoma diagnosis. “Just finding good reliable information was really very helpful. Despite lymphoma being the fifth most common cancer, it doesn't have the same level of awareness and people aren't as familiar with it and the symptoms as other cancers.  Lymphoma Action provide high quality information in an easy to understand format, as well as support and connection to others affected by lymphoma; vital services for those affected by this form of blood cancer.”

Ropinder Gill, CEO at Lymphoma Action says: “We hugely value our Trustees and are delighted to take this opportunity to celebrate their efforts this Trustees Week. We are so fortunate to have such dedicated volunteers who bring out the best in our Charity, and its employees. We can’t thank our Trustees enough, we simply wouldn’t be in the position we are today without their support”.

Published 9 Nov 2022