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April is Stress Awareness Month

Published on: 4 April 2023

Raising awareness of causes and suggesting ways of relieving stress.

Stress Awareness Month image

Since 1992, Stress Awareness Month has provided an opportunity for people to have a conversation about stress and its impact on our lives. It aims to give dedicated time to talk about stress and mental health, removing the stigma associated with it. 

In the past, the month has focused on creating a safe space for people to talk about what might be causing stress or worry. This year, Stress Awareness Month is encouraging us to take this a step further by taking action in our personal and professional lives to create a change.

There are a few ways you can get involved with Stress Awareness Month:

  • Practice breathing techniques to reduce stress. This can offer a simple, quick and effective way to calm your body down when it might be feeling stressed and on high alert.
  • Move your body. Physical activity plays a key part in relieving stress. It doesn’t have to be rigorous activity – a gentle walk or some yoga can make a big difference.
  • Talk about how you are feeling. If there’s something causing you to feel stressed, talking to someone about it can often help make to relieve stress.
  • Develop awareness of what stress feels like and where it might come from. Knowing the sorts of things that might trigger you to feel stressed can help you to deal with it more effectively.

You could also take part in the 30 Day Stress Awareness Challenge. This challenge encourages you to do one thing each day to reduce your stress levels and benefit your wellbeing.

You might also find our information about managing stress and the emotional impact of living with lymphoma helpful.

Our Helpline team can offer a listening ear if you feel you need support. They are available Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm, on freephone 0808 808 5555 or via Live Chat on our website. You can leave a message out-of-hours and they will call you back when they are able.

Published: 4 April 2023