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MoTD: A phase 2 trial comparing interventions for the prevention of graft versus host disease after unrelated donor stem cell transplantation.

This multi-centre trial is comparing three different treatment regimens for the prevention of graft versus host disease (GvHD) following unrelated donor stem cell transplant.

You can share the following Identifier with your medical team so they can find out more about the trial: ISRCTN50290131 

Trial aim and background  

A donor stem cell transplant (allogenic) is often the only curative option for people with lymphoma. One of the main complications after this is graft versus host disease (GvHD) where the donor cells attack the host cells. This can be good because it attacks the cancer cells but too much can lead to damage to the liver, eyes, mouth, gut, lungs or skin.

People currently receive a combination of medications to prevent GvHD. In this study people will be randomly allocated to three different regimens. The aim of this trial is to see how the current regimen compares to two new regimens.

The regimens are:

  1. Current standard treatment regimen of thymoglobulin, cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF)
  2. New regimen of cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine and MMF
  3. New regimen of cyclophosphamide, MMF and sirolimus

Who can enter

People aged over 16 with lymphoma who are being considered to undergo an allogenic stem cell transplant may be eligible for this trial.


Recruitment is taking place in the following UK locations:

  • NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow
  • King’s College Hospital NHS Trust, London
  • Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds
  • Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester
  • The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust, Newcastle
  • University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham
  • Barts Health NHS Trust, London
  • University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol
  • University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London
  • Cardiff & Vale University LHB, Cardiff
  • The Christie NHS Trust, Manchester
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London
  • University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
  • The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Wirral
  • Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust, Nottingham
  • University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham
  • University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, Plymouth
  • Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield

Further information 

More information about what treatments are involved, the criteria you must meet in order to take part in the trial and where this trial is taking place are available at: or

Lymphoma Action are not able to refer people to specific trials. If you are interested in taking part in this trial we recommend that you print the trial summary and discuss it with your medical team. They can advise you on whether you might be eligible for the trial and how you can take part based on your individual circumstances.