Personal stories

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Read and listen to personal stories from people who have been affected by lymphoma and learn how they have coped with diagnosis, treatment, caring for a loved one and living with and beyond lymphoma.

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Doreen on holiday


In this video Doreen talks bout living with SLL for the past 10 years. 

Martin at the pub


In this video Martin, diagnosed with DLBCL, talks about his experience of cancer-related fatigue. 

Jackie doing some crafting in her garden


In these videos Jackie talks about her experience of having a splenectomy 10 years ago and being on active monitoring (watch and wait) for splenic marginal zone lymphoma.

Kate standing outside her house


In this video Kate talks about living on active monitoring (watch and wait) for Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia.

Peter standing in his garden


In this video Peter talks about his experience of active monitoring (watch and wait) for Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)

Natasha, with her husband and 2 sons.


Natasha has 2 children, Charlie who is her step-son, and Alfie. In this video Natasha talks about how her and her husband, David, talked to both children about David's cancer and his treatment.