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Protecting against shingles

Published on: 4 October 2023

How safe is the shingles vaccine?

Vaccination hero image

You may have seen a lot of information about the shingle vaccine. The shingles vaccine helps protect against shingles. It is recommended for people at higher risk from shingles. This includes those who are 70 to 79 years of age with a weakened immune system and those aged 50 and over with a severely weakened immune system. 

Until 2021, the only vaccine available in the UK was Zostavax® which is based on a live but weakened version of varicella zoster virus (the virus that causes shingles). This is not suitable for people with low immune systems because it could causes shingles infection.

A vaccine called Shingrix® is now available for people with lowered immunity. This contains a protein made by the varicella zoster virus but it does not contain the virus itself. It cannot cause shingles. 

If you are eligible for shingles vaccination, you should be contacted by your GP. Shingrix® is a one-off course of vaccination given as two doses, at least 8 weeks apart. You do not have annual boosters.

Acknowlegement: With thanks to Dr Cathy Burton, Consultant Haematologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust for reviewing this information.