Volunteer Forum

Get involved in shaping your volunteer experience.

We want your voice to be at the heart and centre of our volunteering developments.

Vision for volunteering

Our approach to volunteering is that through a supportive and empowering volunteer experience, our volunteers will make the greatest positive impact for people affected by lymphoma.

Our vision for volunteering: Through a supportive and empowering volunteer experience, our volunteers will make the greatest positive impact for people affected by lymphoma.

We want it to be inclusive, meaningful and impactful so that you can get the most out of your volunteering experience.

We will do this through:

  • Strengthening the volunteering infrastructure
  • Providing a meaningful volunteer experience
  • Expanding our volunteer opportunities and recruitment

Please read our full Volunteer Strategy for further details about our 3 goals.

If you have any ideas or topics about volunteering that you'd like the Forum to discuss, please share your feedback with us using our quick form.