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World Menopause Day – 18 October 2022

Published on: 18 October 2022

Symptoms of lymphoma can sometimes be mistaken for the menopause.

Women walking

The most common sign of lymphoma is a lump or lumps, usually in the neck, armpit or groin. If you notice a lump that does not go away within 2 to 3 weeks, or you find a lump that is getting bigger, then it is important to see your GP. 

However, lymphoma can present with many other symptoms including night sweats, which is a well recognised symptom of the menopause. We often hear from women who have experienced symptoms but have delayed visiting their doctor, thinking that it is probably the menopause. 

On World Menopause Day we are urging people to visit their doctors if they suspect they have symptoms of menopause. We also want women to be aware that lymphoma could be one of the possible causes of some of these symptoms.

Be aware of symptoms of lymphoma:

  • A new lump (swollen lymph nodes): typically in the neck, armpit or groin.
  • Drenching seats: especially at night and so much that nightclothes and bedding become soaked.
  • Weight loss: losing weight quickly without trying to.
  • Itching: which might be worse in hot weather or at night.
  • Fatigue: feeling so exhausted that it’s hard to carry on with normal activities.
  • Fever: a high temperature (above 38°C) that might come and go. Fever can also be a sign of infection and frequent infections, or ones that are more severe or last longer, can also be a symptom. 


Published: 18 October 2022

 Image by Jacquelynne Kosmicki from Pixabay