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A thank you for going purple

Published on: 22 September 2022

So many of our supporters celebrated World Lymphoma Awareness Day on the 15 September. 

Hero image WLD

Last week marked World Lymphoma Awareness Day the perfect opportunity to raise awareness of lymphoma and its symptoms. So many supporters from across the UK, embraced our call to go purple and raise purple pounds to support people affected by lymphoma. We were thrilled to see such an array of purple shades and events to celebrate!

At Lymphoma Action we got into the spirit and put our purple knowledge to the ultimate test with a quiz covering everything from purple Disney characters to greatest musical hits. It was a really memorable day for many others too, we have seen purple bakes, runs, hair, crocheting and some hospitals created amazing and informative purple displays to mark the occasion. 

We are enormously thankful to everyone who went purple to support those affected by lymphoma. We are truly grateful for the support you have given us so we can continue our work in making sure no one faces lymphoma alone. 

We will be continuing to raise awareness of lymphoma for the duration of September which is Blood Cancer Awareness Month and beyond as it’s a critical part of our day to day work. Find out how you can get involved in supporting our work and raising awareness of lymphoma as the fifth most common cancer in the UK.