Lymphoma Action wins three Patient Information awards
Published on: 11 September 2019Our team attended the British Medical Association’s Patient Information Awards 2019 and we were delighted to be recognised for three projects.
Photo shows Athena (Editor), Vicki (Senior Medical Writer), Ropinder (CEO) and Lauren (Senior Editor) at the BMA Awards 2019
The British Medical Association (BMA) host their Patient Information Awards every year at BMA House in London. The awards aim to encourage high quality health information that is accessible to all and importantly holds patients and their needs at the centre of the work. We are delighted to announce that we won first prize in two categories and were the runner up for a third category.
Our booklet Clinical trials for lymphoma won first place in the Decision-making award. Clinical trials are an important treatment option for people with lymphoma, but they can be difficult to understand. The booklet aims to explain what clinical trials are, how they work, and what is involved if you take part in a trial. It also provides information on recent lymphoma research, all of which is only possible due to people participating in clinical trials.
This is a really good overall summary and lists of questions; a great resource. It includes good lay descriptions, great question lists and explains how to get more information.
In 2018, we created a workbook to complement our Live your Life workshops for people on active monitoring or coming to the end of lymphoma treatment - and this won first place in the Long-term Conditions award. The workbook follows the structure of the workshop, covering topics such as emotional wellbeing, exercise and diet, and practical aspects of living with lymphoma. It has space for notes and actions, to help people live well with and beyond lymphoma.
This resource seems excellent to me. The topics covered, the amount of information given, and the way the information is presented, encouraging interactive use by the audience, seem perfect… A wide range of issues are covered in a caring, thoughtful and constructive way… It should enable the workbook to make a real difference to people’s lives.
Last, our Easy Read booklet Finding out you have lymphoma was the runner up in the Accessibility award. Our Easy Reads are designed for people with learning disabilities but they are accessible to everyone, including people whose first language is not English or those with cognitive impairment. Our series of Easy Reads use simple language, large print and illustrations and photos to support the text.
We’d like to thank everyone who was involved with the production of these booklets, including our Reader Panel.
To order copies of our booklets, including our Easy Reads or Clinical trials booklet, visit our shop. All of our health information is free of charge.
Please note: The Live your Life workbook is currently only available to people who attend a Live your Life workshop.
11 September 2019