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Jump into January!

Published on: 5 January 2023

Kickstart 2023 with a fundraising challenge.

Hero Jump into January

Now that the festivities are over, you may be planning for the year ahead. The new year is the perfect time to kick start a fitness regime or set yourself a new goal! So why not Jump into January with a fundraising goal. You could run, walk, cycle, swim or leap your way to becoming fitter and help us make sure that no one has to face lymphoma alone.

Did you know someone is diagnosed with lymphoma every 26 minutes in the UK? So why not pick your own fitness challenge around the number 26 this January and keep motivated throughout the month by knowing you are making a difference.

Or set yourself a personal walking, running or swimming goal - 26kms or 26 lengths - and every time you ask someone to sponsor you, you'll be helping to spread the word about lymphoma.

There are so many walks, runs and cycles happening in 2023 that you could get involved with. How about:

If you sign up to an event you'll receive tips and advice to help you with your training and fundraising, and you can of course wear our branded gear with pride. However you decide to get involved this year, we're so grateful for your support.