Dying Matters Week 2024
Published on: 6 May 2024The way we talk about Dying Matters.

From 6 to 12 May, it’s Dying Matters Awareness Week. Dying Matters is a national campaign run by Hospice UK encouraging people to get talking about death, dying and grief, to reduce the stigma and social isolation.
This year's theme, 'The way we talk about Dying Matters', focuses on the language that we use, and conversations we have, around death and dying.
Our podcast below features Dallas and Lesley. Dallas and Lesley share a passion to change society’s relationship with death and dying, and to support all of us to have timely conversations about our wishes, should a time come when we can no longer speak for ourselves; through a lack of mental capacity or when we die.
Courageous conversations with those who are important to us can be empowering and reassuring for those we leave to make decisions on our behalf. In the podcast, Dallas and Lesley talk about triggers for thinking about these issues, practical things to consider, how to plan for and have these conversations, and how - once you've had the conversation - you can pack your wishes into a box and put it away until later.
If you’d like to get involved in the Dying Matters campaign, there’s information on the Hospice UK website about:
- events happening in the UK and online throughout the week
- how to join the Dying Matters campaign by receiving email updates
- various resources about Dying Matters.