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Buddy Service Community - closed Facebook group for Buddies

At Lymphoma Action we have many individuals who volunteer with us as buddies. However, we are aware that many buddies do not know each other, and so are not able to contact each other, share experiences and offer support to one another.

Our Buddy Service closed Facebook group gives us an opportunity to facilitate a discussion between our buddies so that you can get in touch with each other and offer mutual support, in a friendly, supportive environment.

We hope that the group will be a safe and friendly place to share experiences about being a buddy, ask questions and offer support to one another. We hope it helps you to feel part of the buddy service community’ and connected to other buddies.

Although the group is set up to share experiences about being a volunteer, we anticipate that there will be some general sharing of lymphoma experiences on the group – and this is an important part of the support that we hope you can offer to each other. However, please follow the same guidelines for supporting an individual as a buddy, for when you are sharing and supporting each other within this group. For example, don’t give medical advice and don’t promote other treatments. You may want to have a buddy yourself at some point, on a one-to-one basis, and we would encourage you to contact us to discuss this so that we can find the most appropriate person for you (as not all buddies may be part of this Facebook group).

We encourage group members to post within the group itself, so that everyone can participate and benefit from the message. However, we understand that there may be situations where group members want to private message each other (as long as both individuals give permission to do so). In this instance, Lymphoma Action does not take responsibility for any private messaging that happens through the group.

What can I post about on the group?

You can post anything related to your experience of being a buddy, and about your condition. Please ensure that all of your posts and replies focus on these areas only.

If you have any questions or feedback about the buddy service itself, please contact us direct on

How will the group be managed?

The group will be provided and hosted by Lymphoma Action, and managed by the same team that manages the buddy service: the Information and Support Services team. We hope that the group will be self-monitored, and our team will only need a ‘light touch’ approach to managing the group. We want you, our buddies, to feel that the group ‘belongs’ to you, and so we won’t get involved in discussions or regularly post on the group. However, if you have any queries or want to flag anything up to us, we would suggest that you contact us directly by email at

Do we have to join the group?

No – you don’t have to join if you don’t wish to. It is entirely voluntary, and we are offering it as an additional way for those who want to, to get in contact with other buddies. We don’t currently have plans to set up additional ways to connect buddies, so if you’d like to contact other buddies this is the way you will be able to do it.

How will you know who is in the group?

The group will be a closed group, so that we can ensure that only Lymphoma Action’s buddies can join. When you request to join, we will ask you to share details so that we know it is you, and if you are a buddy we will be have a record of your volunteering for us. We will only allow buddies, and relevant Lymphoma Action staff, to be members of the group.

I’m a part of another Lymphoma Action group – can I still join?

Yes – you can be part of as many Lymphoma Action groups as you like, as long as you meet the ‘requirements’ of the group.

I volunteer for Lymphoma Action but I am not a buddy – can I still join this group?

No – only Lymphoma Action buddies can be a member of this group. There may be other groups in place (or will be set up in the future) that might be suitable for you. You can always contact us to ask about our groups.

Terms and conditions

You can find the group terms and conditions on the Facebook group pages, and below. These are fairly standard, and aim to make the group a safe and supportive environment.

  • Be polite - respect the views of group members and what matters to them, as this may be different from your own views. Be mindful of the impact that your own messages may have on the group.
  • Be respectful - please be respectful when referring to any individual you have been a buddy for, even if the experience has been challenging or difficult in any way.
  • Buddy confidentiality - please do not use the real name of any individuals you have been a buddy for to maintain the confidentiality of the service.
  • No medical advice - please do not post advice or medical opinion - no posts should be considered medical advice.
  • Post author responsibility - the content of any posts on the group – unless otherwise stated – are the opinion of the author and not of Lymphoma Action.
  • No hate speech or bullying - bullying of any kind isn't allowed and discriminatory, abusive, suggestive, offensive, oppressive, intimidating or threatening language, or any profanity, will not be tolerated.
  • No promotions or spam - please do not post messages about advertising, sales, fundraising for other organisations or about other groups - these will be removed.
  • Respect admins - Lymphoma Action will take a light-touch approach to monitoring the group, although we may establish community moderators if there is a need. Please accept and respect the actions of the admins.
  • Removal of content / members - Lymphoma Action reserves the right to remove any posts / messages that are considered inappropriate for the group / nature of the group, and to block any persistent rule-breakers from the group.
  • Changes to group - Lymphoma Action reserves the right to withdraw the group if it is found to not be serving the purpose for which it was set up, or to change the terms and conditions on the group as required.