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Virtual Live your Life workshop, Brighton & Sussex

Join us online for this real-time virtual workshop to help you connect with others in a similar situation and find further local help and support.

This interactive virtual event is for you if you have lymphoma and will help you to choose how to live with and beyond your lymphoma diagnosis. This workshop will be of value if you are at (or coming towards) the end of treatment for lymphoma or if you are on active monitoring (watch and wait). You are welcome to bring along a friend or family member to join the workshop with you, to support you and to help them understand more about lymphoma and how others cope with supporting someone with lymphoma.

Building on pier over seafront

The virtual workshop will be delivered by people with a lived experience of lymphoma and is a relaxed and informal day. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences, and join in interactive discussions.

You are welcome to have a family member, friend or partner with you and booking is essential.

Please note that these workshops are only available to anyone living in the UK, aged 16 years or over.

Click here to book your place 

Topics covered include:

  • What is lymphoma and the signs of relapse
  • Coping with the emotional aspects
  • Exercise and healthy living after treatment 
  • Nutrition and eating well
  • Signposting for more information and support 

Download the programme here

What happens when I register?

You will receive a registration confirmation email from Eventbrite. If you do not receive the email within a few minutes of registering, please check your spam. In the additional information section of the email, you will find a Zoom link and passcode to join the workshop on the day - just click on the link and enter the passcode. If you haven't used Zoom before, you might like to join the meeting a few minutes early to ensure you can get connected.

If you have any questions, please get in touch on 01296 619 434 or at