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No one like me is talking about this

Published on: 3 May 2024

In our latest podcast Mez talks about his experience of being diagnosed and treated for DLBCL. 


In our latest podcast entitled No one like me is talking about this, Mez talks with honesty about his diagnosis and treatment for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

As a 42-year old Indian Hindu with a wife and 1-year old daughter, he found it hard to find others going through the same experience and wanted to share his story to support others like himself. 

Mez talks about the challenges of treatment and how he created circles of friends and family to support him through the difficult times. Mez is a problem solver and explains how important it was for him to arm himself with as much information about lymphoma as possible; leaving clinical decisions to the medical professionals who he put his trust in. 

Mez speaks candidly about his struggles with fatigue and extreme short-term memory loss and strategies he adopted to help him. Now in remission, and with a new addition to his family, Mez cherishes the joys of family.

Listen to Mez.