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Listen to our latest podcast.

Published on: 10 July 2023

Having courageous conversations with your important people.

Hero image for July podcast

In our latest podcast Lesley Carter, Clinical Lead for Professionals and Practice at Age UK talks to Lymphoma Action’s Dallas Pounds. 

Former nurses Lesley and Dallas talk about letting the important people in your life know your wishes in the event of loss of mental capacity or at the end of life. They recognise that there is still a taboo on this topic, but emphasise the importance of these conversations for everyone. Changes in life can happen very quickly, for example as a result of a car accident or a stroke, or we might have warning due to illness, so we all need to think about this. 

Lesley and Dallas agree that these conversations can be challenging and take a bit of bravery but are best held as soon as possible. Being courageous and having these difficult conversations can be empowering, letting you get on with life knowing that those closest to you know your wishes.

The podcast offers suggestions on the types of conversation you may want to have with your family and practical steps you might want to consider, including having Lasting Powers of Attorney. They briefly explain the two types available when someone loses mental capacity to make decisions - health and welfare and property and financial affairs – and examples of how you can make one or both types. 

Advance care plans are also discussed, which outline your wishes in terms of your care, such as treatment, where you would like to be cared for, and other important issues. These can be particularly difficult conversations, but by having them you can clearly express your wishes. Wills, which many people will already have put in place, are also mentioned. These legal documents are important to set out what you would like to happen after your death. Starting these conversation can be difficult, so Lesley and Dallas suggest making a plan of what you want to share and choosing a good time.

Making your wishes clear is like putting them in a box to be brought out when they are needed. Knowing that these conversations have been had and your important people know your wishes  can be enormously empowering, meaning you can all get on with living your life. 

Listen to the podcast in full on our website.