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Lymphoma symptoms – newly updated information

Published on: 13 December 2024

We’ve recently updated our webpages about lymphoma symptoms and coping with them.

Picture of a young woman talking to a nurse in a clinic setting

Our newly updated webpage outlines common lymphoma symptoms and addresses frequently asked questions on the topic. You’ll also find a short video animation about lymphoma symptoms and links to further information and resources.

If you have one or more of the symptoms we describe, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have lymphoma. Symptoms can have several different causes, so speak to your doctor for advice.

Lymphoma Action

If you’ve already been diagnosed with lymphoma, we have tips to help you cope with lymphoma symptoms, as well as ideas you could talk to your medical team about. 

We often hear that lymphoma symptoms improve once you start treatment, but speak to your medical team for advice in how best to manage them. There are things they can suggest that can help.

Lymphoma Action

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