Caring for someone with lymphoma?

Whether you are a full time carer or offering extra support to a loved one with lymphoma, please make sure you get the support you need. 

We're here for you at every step

If you are offering practical or emotional support to someone with lymphoma, you're taking on the role of a carer. We offer resources, information and tips to help you look after yourself, as well as the person you care for. All of our support services are available to you and the person with lymphoma, including our helpline, online support meetings and Buddy Service.

Mark with his wife Paula_Bridges Walk

Caring for someone who has lymphoma

Find tips to help with offering practical and emotional support to the person who has lymphoma. We also suggest ways to help you take care of your own needs, including signposting to other sources of support for carers.

Woman on a phone headset

Support for you

Supporting a loved one who has lymphoma can be incredibly challenging. We're here for you if you'd like information or support. 

Online support meeting

Online Support Meetings

Our meetings are for any partner, parent, child or other carer affected by lymphoma to share experiences and gain mutual support. They are held via Zoom on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6pm and the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11am. 

FB group page image draft

Closed Facebook Support Group

Our closed Facebook Support Group connects and supports people from all over the UK who are affected by lymphoma,  including family members and friends of those with a diagnosis.

Helen with her daughter Carol

If your child has lymphoma

We're here to offer emotional support if your child is diagnosed with lymphoma. We also have information to help with practical concerns, including talking to your child about lymphoma and preparing them for changes to their daily routine. 

Collage of personal stories

Personal stories

Read personal stories and watch videos from people affected by lymphoma as they share how their experiences of caring for a loved one. 


Relationships and communication

When someone close to you has lymphoma, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. Read our tips and suggestions to help you communicate with those around you.