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Lymphoma Education for Nurses: the role of the specialist nurse in individualised care of lymphoma

Video recording from our webinar on Friday 26 November 2021, where two experts gave presentations on the role of enhanced supportive and palliative care. 

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Our 2021 Lymphoma Education for Nurses programme focuses on the value and impact of enhanced support and palliative care for patients with lymphoma, and how the specialist nurse is uniquely placed to coordinate this level of support.

Individualised care is a cornerstone of what specialist nurses aim to deliver to all of their patients receiving a lymphoma diagnosis. The value of early access to enhanced supportive care – at diagnosis and before crisis point – and the timely introduction of palliative care, has countless benefits for the individual, their experience of lymphoma and it’s management, their family, and for their healthcare team. Having the resources and opportunity to embed this service in practice can be challenging, and requires good structures and support systems to be in place. Join us as we discuss these issues, and hear from expert speakers about their evidence, insights, experiences and levers for delivering this enhanced service.

Remote video URL

Video content:

  • Start: Welcome from chair and introduction to Lymphoma Action - Dallas Pounds, Director of services, Lymphoma Action
  • 2 minutes: Enhanced Supportive Care and its role in lymphoma management - Dr Dan Monnery Palliative Care Consultant and NHS England National Clinical Advisor for Enhanced Supportive Care.
  • 42 minutes, 39 seconds: Q&A for Dan
  • 49 minutes, 38 seconds: Improving patient care and the role of communication in delivering individualised services - Dr Karen Campbell, Associate Professor in Nursing, Edinburgh Napier University and secretary at UKONS.
  • 1 hour, 30 minutes, 18 seconds: Q&A for Karen
  • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 56 seconds: Discussion with the panel


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